Ventilator Care

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ventilator care, oxygen therapy, breathing issues in children

Ventilator Care

Zee's Healthcare LLC is a leader in patient rehabilitation using ventilators for any chronic illness or respiratory-related medical conditions. As one of the leading home care and nursing care providers, we at Zee's Healthcare LLC provide assistance and supervision to our patients who are on ventilators. We have trained nurses who have the necessary expertise to tackle patients needing intensive care. We understand how much our care means to the ones with respiratory failure, who find it difficult to breathe and do not get enough oxygen into the bloodstream and brain. Our team of medical experts reads and analyzes each patient's health condition and provides assistance accordingly. Zee's Healthcare LLC's multidisciplinary approach helps patients regain their breathing ability once again, taking them off of the mechanical ventilators. 

Our ventilator care services help you with the following:

  • It helps patients with respiratory failure regain their breathing ability once again. 
  • Helps to recover from and during surgery
  • Aids in conditions like ALS, brain injury, drug overdose, lung infection, polio, stroke, collapsed lung, myasthenia gravis, pneumonia, etc. 
  •  We provide regular monitoring, especially when the patient is asleep or unobserved.
  • Tracheostomy tubes, oxygen therapy, high-tech ventilators
  • Ventilator weaning and management